Dumbbell Bench Press: Change your grip to avoid shoulder pain!

★ Posted on 12-24,2024

< strong>Dumbbell Bench Press: Change your grip to avoid shoulder pain!

You love bench pressing, but your shoulders refuse to cooperate. . In fact, shoulder pain has become a limiting factor and many people suffer from shoulder pain during bench presses!

Sports training requires technology, and correct operating techniques can help you avoid injuries while improving training results!

Shoulder discomfort is the most common problem during bench pressing, and today we are going to introduce you to some tips and details. I believe that when you master them, your shoulders will thank you!

Change the angle of the dumbbells!

Most people like to align the dumbbells in a line (aligned) as shown below when doing dumbbell bench press. This is actually true, but I don’t like doing this!

We all know that during the bench press, the scapula The stability (sinking, slightly receding) is very important!

In the previous articleWhy do you need to externally rotate your shoulders when bench pressing""Bench Press Techniques, Breaking the Barbell"span>"Bench Press: Bar Lifting Technique" We introduced that slight external rotation of the shoulder can help you move the scapula back and forward Pull down to return the scapula to the neutral position, which brings torque to the shoulder joint socket. This is very important because it turns the scapula into a very stable platform during the bench press (to avoid internal rotation of the shoulder and excessive Abduct and shrug!) to avoid the rotator cuff muscles being pinched and injured by the acromion.

The barbell is a straight bar, so we have to imagine bending the barbell to maintain the stability of the shoulder blades, but dumbbells do not need it! We don’t need the same grip as the barbell bench press (two dumbbells aligned in a line)

Consider the angle at which you press the dumbbell. It is recommended that you rotate your shoulders slightly externally, make the dumbbells form a V shape (as shown in the picture), and then perform bench press!

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< span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">Bench Press: Bar Lifting Technique< /p>

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